Golf Outing fundraiser for 9th District Court of Appeals Judge Julie Schafer

Rawiga Country Club 10353 Rawiga Road, Seville, OH, United States

Save the date of June 26th to help re-elect 9th District Court of Appeals Judge Julie Schafer by putting together a foursome for a golf outing at Rawiga Country Club. Check in is 10:30 am and the shotgun start is scheduled for 12:00 pm. Cost is $125 per person ($100 early bird before June 12th) […]

Judge Julie Schafer Meet and Greet

Galaxy Banquet Center 201 Park Centre Drive, Wadsworth, OH, United States

You are invited to a meet and greet with 9th District Court of Appeals Judge Julie Schafer on July 14th from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Galaxy Banquet Center (201 Park Centre Drive) in Wadsworth. Suggested donation for this event is $50 Maximum donation per person is $1,300 Maximum donation per organization is $3,800

Judge Cook Carryout Fundraiser at La Mexicana Cantina and Grill

La Mexicana Cantina and Grill 78 West Avenue, Tallmadge, OH, United States

Too Tired to Cook? Then drive in & pick up a COOK Combo! Please support Judge Cook's Campaign and stop by La Mexicana Cantina & Grill, 78 West Ave in Tallmadge on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. For only $25, your donation gives you the option of 2 Tacos & a Margarita OR […]

Happy Days Fundraiser to Support Judge Julie Schafer

Bob's Hamburger 1351 East Avenue, Akron, OH, United States

9th District Court of Appeals Judge Julie Schafer will be holding a fundraiser at Bob's Hamburg on Wednesday July 29th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. This Happy Days themed event sponsored by Gary and Susie Hagan will feature a special lunch menu for only a $25 donation. A $100 donation provides you lunch and […]

State Representative Bill Roemer Fundraiser Reception

Mike Kahoe's Party Barn 2881 South Walnut Ridge Road, Akron, OH, United States

The pleasure of your company is requested for a fundraising reception in support of 38th District State Representative Bill Roemer on Friday, August 7th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Mike Kahoe's Party Barn (2881 South Walnut Ridge Road) in Bath. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Sarah Lebsock or 614-378-5943 Individual […]

Mojitos and Masks Fundraiser for Judge Julie Schafer

Home of Mike and Holly Schafer 160 Hampshire Road, Akron, OH, United States

You are invited to the home of Mike and Holly Schafer (160 Hampshire Road in Akron) on Saturday, August 8th from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. This exciting event will feature brazilian food, music and fun and will support Judge Julie Schafer in her campaign to retain her seat on the 9th District Court of […]

Judge Cook Live Music Fundraiser

Old 97 Patio 1503 Kenmore Blvd, Akron, OH, United States

Please join Attorneys Dave Lombardi and Paul Grant and listen to the calming sounds of Colin John on the patio of Old 97 at 1503 Kenmore Blvd in Akron. This live music concert will be a socially distant fundraiser for Domestic Relations Court Judge Katarina Cook. Suggested donation is $100 per person or $150 per […]

President Trump Drive-In Acceptance Speech Watch Party

This Thursday, August 27 join the Summit County Republican Party and its fantastic slate of local candidates in watching President Trump accept the Republican nomination for President of the United States. We will have an immersive 16-foot LED screen accompanied by delicious food trucks, popcorn and soda. Contact Andrew at (330) 434-1311 or with […]

Pop Up Concert for Judge Julie Schafer

Wolfcreek Studios 725 Sharon Copley Road, Wadsworth, OH, United States

Hosts Tom Weyand and Elizabeth Lucas invite you to join them for food, fellowship and an evening of acoustic music provided by Connor Wallace and guests, as we help to raise funds for the re-election of Judge Julie Schafer to the Ninth District Court of Appeals. Recommended donation $100.00 each $150.00 per couple

Greekfest Fundraiser for Judge Katarina Cook

AHEPA Lodge 3142 Ridgewood Road, Fairlawn, OH, United States

If you're missing Greekfest this year, then the place to be is the AHEPA Lodge on Thursday, September 10th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm where Larry and Karen Poulos invite you to the Greek Grab & Go! This fundraiser will support Domestic Relations Court Judge Katarina Cook. With Larry Poulos doing the cooking, you […]

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