Fundraiser for Dave Lombardi

Malone Building (Lombardi Rooftop) 209 South Main Street, Akron, OH, United States

The Dave Lombardi for Judge Committee asks you to save the date of August 30th for a Luau for Lombardi fundraiser to be held in support of electing Dave Lombardi to the Summit County Court of Common Pleas. The fundraiser will be held on the rooftop deck of Dave Lombardi's office which is located at […]

Doctors for Judge Jill Lanzinger Fundraiser

Lanzinger Home 202 Melody Lane, Akron, OH, United States

You are cordially invited to the home of Dr. Bill and Judge Jill Lanzinger on Friday, August 31st from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for a doctors for Judge Jill Lanzinger fundraiser. The suggested donation for this event is $150 per guest or you can be a sponsor for $300 or a host for $600. […]

DeVitis Summer Sausage Cookout

City of Green Community Hall 1755 Town Park Boulevard, Uniontown, OH, United States

Join sponsors Robert DeVitis, Bob Heffern, John & Jane Warmus and Summit County Republican Party Chairman Bryan C. Williams at the annual DeVitis Summer Sausage Cookout on Wednesday, September 5th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The event will be held at the City of Green Community Hall (1755 Town Park Blvd). You can become […]

Mike Rasor for State Representative Fundraiser

Silver Lake Country Club 1325 Graham Road, Silver Lake, OH, United States

You are invited to a fundraiser in support of Mike Rasor, candidate for the Ohio House of Representatives. The fundraiser will be held on the patio of Silver Lake Country Club from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Thursday, September 6th. Please RSVP to: to purchase tickets or to become a sponsor/host of the […]

Finance Dinner

O'Neil House 1290 West Exchange Street, Akron, OH, United States

Please join us for our Annual Summit County Republican Finance Dinner on Friday, September 7, 2018 as we host Congressman Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. The Finance dinner will start with a cocktail reception at 6:00 pm and the dinner program starting at 7:00 pm. Tickets for the event are $300 per […]

Cynthia Blake for Council-at-Large Fundraiser

Lock 15 Brewing 21 West North Street, Akron, OH, United States

You are invited to attend a fundraiser for County Council-at-Large candidate Cynthia Blake being held on Tuesday, September 11th at Lock 15 Brewing (21 W. North Street). The event will be held from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. If you are unable to attend but would like to support Cynthia's campaign, you may send your […]

Kristina Daley Roegner for Ohio Senate Fundraiser

Lake Forest Country Club 100 Lake Forest Drive, Hudson, OH, United States

You are invited to a reception to benefit Kristina Daley Roegner for State Senate. The event is being held on Thursday, September 13th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Lake Forest Country Club (100 Lake Forest Drive) in Hudson. Consider becoming a sponsor of the event at the following levels: Gold: $5,000 Silver: $2,500 […]

Bill Roemer Annual Fall Farm Fundraiser

Roemer Farm 5211 Harter Road, Richfield, OH, United States

You are invited to Bill Roemer's annual Fall Farm Fundraiser which will be held on Saturday, September 15th starting at 2:00 pm. The fundraiser is being held on Bill Roemer's 90 acre farm located at 5211 Harter Road in Richfield. As always, there will be homemade polish food accompanied by hamburgers and hotdogs as well […]

Tom McCarty half-way to St. Patricks Day Fundraiser

Barley House 222 South Main Street, Akron, OH, United States

The McCarty for Judge Committee invites you to The Barley House for a fundraiser on Monday, September 17 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm in support of Tom McCarty in his campaign to join the Court of Common Pleas. $500 Pot O' Gold Sponsor $250 Four Leaf Clover $100 Lucky Leprauchan

Party in the Park to Re-Elect Judge Jennifer Hensal

Green Leaf Park 1674 South Medina Line Road, Copley, OH, United States

Join the Committee to Elect Jennifer L. Hensal at a Party in the Park fundraiser on Thursday, September 20th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The fundraiser will held at Green Leaf Park in Copley and any contribution amount is welcome. Maximum Contribution is $1,200 for Individuals and $3,800 for Organizations. No corporate checks please.

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