Inaugural Hudson Republican Club Meeting

Lager and Vine Gastropub and Wine Bar 30 West Streetsboro Street, Hudson, OH, United States

Hudson mayoral candidate Craig Shubert kindly asks you to save the date of April 29, 2019 for the Inaugural Meeting of the Hudson Republican Club. The get together will be held at Lager & Vine in downtown Hudson (30 W. Streetsboro Street) from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Cost is $15 per person. Dinner and […]

“No Double Dipping” Fundraiser for John Chapman

Panini's Stow 4200 Steels Pointe, Stow, OH, United States

On May 8th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm you can support John Chapman at his fundraiser at Panini's in Stow (4200 Steels Pointe Drive). Your financial support will help John in his bid to defeat Kim Hoover for Stow Municipal Court Judge. Suggested contribution is $50 per person, $100 sponsor or $250 patron. Light […]

Susan Truby for Cuyahoga Falls Council

Papa Joes 1561 Akron Peninsula Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

You are cordially invited to a fundraising event for Susan Truby in support of her bid for Ward 8 City Council in Cuyahoga Falls. The event will be held on Thursday, May 16th at Papa Joes (1561 Akron Peninsula Road) from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks provided. Requested donation is $50 […]

Race to the Starting Line Fundraiser for Jeff Iula

Village Garden 2437 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Come out and show your support for Jeff Iula in his campaign to become the next Stow Clerk of Courts. Jeff's "Race to the Starting Line" fundraiser will be held at the Village Garden restaurant (2437 State Road) in Cuyahoga Falls on Tuesday, May 21st from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Light hors d'oeuvres and […]

National Hamburger Day Fundraiser with Judge Ann Marie O’Brien

Bob's Hamburger 1351 East Avenue, Akron, OH, United States

Come celebrate National Hamburger Day with Judge Ann Marie O'Brien on Tuesday, May 28th at Bob's Hamburger (1351 East Avenue) from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Suggested Contribution is $50 Per Person or $75 Per Family You can be a Single Burger Sponsor for $150 or a Double Burger Sponsor for $250   $600 maximum contribution […]

Cecilia Robart for Cuyahoga Falls Council Birthday Fundraiser

Papa Joes 1561 Akron Peninsula Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Please join Don Robart as he throws a birthday fundraiser for his wife Cecilia who is running for Cuyahoga Falls ward 3 City Council. The fundraiser will be held at Papa Joe's on Friday, June 14th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Food, drink and music provided. Tickets are $75 per person or $100 per […]

Hudson Republican Club Meeting

Farinacci Pizza 86 Owen Brown Street, Hudson, OH, United States

Join the Hudson Republican Club for their second organizational meeting on Monday, June 17 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Farinacci Pizza (86 Owen Brown Street). Cost is $10.00 per person and includes dinner and a soft drink.

Josh Sines for Mayor “Fun”D Raiser

El Rancho 1666 W. Exchange Street, Akron, OH, United States

Joins hosts Gary and Susie Hagen at a fundraiser on Tuesday, June 18th from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in support of Josh Sines in his campaign to become the next Mayor of Akron. The event will be held at El Rancho Mexican Restaurant (1666 West Exchange Street) Appetizers and beverages included for $75 per […]

President Trump re-election watch party

Panini's Stow 4200 Steels Pointe, Stow, OH, United States

President Trump will be making a special announcement this coming Tuesday, June 18th regarding his re-election and the Summit County Republican Party is hosting a watch party for this special occasion. Please join us for pizza and camaraderie at 7:45 pm at Panini's 4200 Steels Pointe Drive Stow, OH 44224 We will have a private […]

Judge O’Brien “Raise the Roof Fundraiser”

Malone Building (Lombardi Rooftop) 209 South Main Street, Akron, OH, United States

Join Judge Ann Marie O'Brien for a fundraiser at the Malone Building in downtown Akron (209 South Main Street). Enjoy appetizers and beverages while on the rooftop patio overlooking downtown Akron on Thursday, June 20th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Event is $75 per person or $125 per couple. RSVP to Paul Grant (330-730-0834) […]

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