Meri Stemple for Cuyahoga Falls Council Fundraiser

American Legion Cuyahoga Falls 1601 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

You are invited to a pasta and meatball supper on Thursday, August 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the American Legion (1601 Front Street) in Cuyahoga Falls. Proceeds from this fundraiser will support Meri Stemple in her campaign to become the next ward 7 council representative for Cuyahoga Falls. Suggested donation is $25 […]

Hudson Republican Club Meeting

Farinacci Pizza 86 Owen Brown Street, Hudson, OH, United States

You are invited to the Hudson Republican Club meeting on Monday, September 9th at Farinacci Pizza (86 Owen Brown Street) in Hudson from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Dinner is only $10 which includes food and beverage. Dues for the Hudson Republican Club are; $10 Active College Student $25 Individual $35 Household

Congressman Dave Joyce 6th Annual Clambake Fundraiser

Lake Metroparks Farmpark Arena 8800 Euclid Chardon Road, Kirtland, OH, United States

You are invited to join Congressman Dave Joyce for the 6th Annual 14th Congressional District Clambake on Thursday, September 12th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at Lake Metroparks Farmpark "Arena" (8800 Euclid Chardon Rd) in Kirtland. Sponsorship Levels: Top Clam $2,800 Little Neck Clam $1,000 Soft Shell Clam $500 Steamer $250 Ticket prices are […]

Fundraiser for Bill Roemer

Roemer Farm 5211 Harter Road, Richfield, OH, United States

You are invited to a fundraiser to support State Representative Bill Roemer for the 38th State House on Sunday, September 15th at the 90 acre Roemer family farm (5211 Harter Road in Richfield). This picnic style fundraiser will start at 3:00 pm and conclude at 6:00 pm. Beer, Wine, Pop, Hot Dogs and the polish […]

Congressman Anthony Gonzalez Birthday Fundraiser

Blair Center 9079 South Leroy Road, Westfield Center, OH, United States

You are invited to the first annual Birthday Barbecue for Congressman Anthony Gonzalez on Monday, September 16th from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Blair Center. Tickets can be purchased for $60 per person or $100 per couple. Sponsorship Levels for this event are as follows; $2,700 - Gold $1,000 - Silver $500 - […]

Josh Sines for Mayor Backyard Fundraiser

Amy Schwan Home 142 Westover Avenue, Akron, OH, United States

On Tuesday, September 17th you are invited to a backyard fundraiser hosted by Amy Schwan at her Akron home (142 Westover Avenue) in support of Josh Sines in his bid to become the next Mayor of Akron. This picnic style fundraiser will feature hot dogs, suds and vino plus Bob's Hamburg famous coney sauce. Proceeds […]

Fundraiser for Magistrate Elisa Hill

Grape and Granary 915 Home Avenue, Akron, OH, United States

Hosts Gary and Susie Hagen invite you to a fundraiser in support of Magistrate Elisa Hill who is running for Akron Municipal Court Judge on Tuesday, September 24th from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at Grape and Granary. Enjoy an array of wines and delicious appetizers and desserts at this lovely venue. Tickets may be […]

Judge Alison McCarty and Judge Tammy O’Brien Campaign Kickoff

O'Neil House 1290 West Exchange Street, Akron, OH, United States

You are invited to the O'Neil House for the campaign kick off fundraiser for Judge Alison McCarty and Judge Tammy O'Brien on Tuesday, September 24th at the O'Neil House (1290 West Exchange Street). The event will start at 5:00 pm and end at 7:00 pm. Both Judges are running for re-election to the Court of […]

Re-elect Judge Julie Schafer Fundraiser

Filia Cellars 3059 Greenwich Road, Wadsworth, OH, United States

You are invited to support 9th District Court of Appeals Judge Julie Schafer in her re-election campaign at her kickoff fundraiser on Saturday, September 28th. The event will be held from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Filia Cellars (3059 Greenwich Rd) in Wadsworth. Additional details will follow shortly.

Pasta & Peroni Fundraiser with Russ Iona

Italian Center 134 East Tallmadge Avenue, Akron, OH, United States

You're invited to a lunch of Pasta & Peroni to help support Russ Iona in his campaign to become the next Councilman-at-Large in Cuyahoga Falls on Sunday, September, 29th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at The Italian Center (134 E. Tallmadge Ave.) in Akron. Cost for this event is $25 per person.  

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